Monday, March 23, 2009

Card Symbols Offer Insight

While there are so many different types of cards and card decks, they have been consistently used as a conveyer of symbols in defining personalities, relationships and guidance since ancient times. The main difference is generally in the number of the suits. An American playing card set includes 52 cards, 12 of each suit. Traditional tarot cards have a 78-card deck and include the recognized hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs as well. Though there are additional card symbols in tarot cards, such as swords, clubs, cups and pentacles, all of which bear deep-rooted allegorical significance, much of the meaning is somewhat similar. From the Medieval Times in Europe to the Far East, cards have been a key signifier in understanding relationships and the self.

It is worth noting that the amount number of cards in our traditional playing deck is the same as the number of weeks in a year. The number of royal cards too corresponds to the number of months in the year and the suits the number of seasons or elements. Thus the birth card plays any extremely pivotal part in any form of card reading. There are different ways of discerning the birth card, which are specific to each deck but are generally similar in meaning to a zodiac sign. The study of cards has metaphysical, astronomical and sometimes even religious significance. Numerological cards, or the symbolism in the number of suits, plus the number of royalties, and black and red symbolizing night and day all have meaningful explanations. This seems to highlight that card decks were always intended for more than gambling and magic tricks.

Cards of Illumination systems can offer insight into the self, almost like personality cards, or life cards. Each suit holds a representational significance pertaining to each individual’s numerological or astronomical essence. The Hearts suit is said to relate to people who understand life through their relationships. Hearts hold most significance on people and so family, love and emotions are pivotal elements for the people related to this suit. The Clubs suit is related to those that hold most importance on communication. Therefore knowledge, education, logic and intuition are predominant character traits for those related to the Clubs card. Diamonds are attributed to those that understand things in life through values. It may then be assumed that these personalities hold importance on systems and evaluation. Lastly, the individuals associated with the Spade suit are working people, understanding life when there is a balance between career and spirit. Thus labor, health and rationality may characterize a Spade. Of course a more thorough perspective can be given through a card reading. Though when the suit is matched with the birth card number, which is related to the birth date, then a complex and philosophical meaning can be understood.

For more information on how to study Cards of illumination, the birth card, or any other card symbols, please visit Cards of illumination offers tools to understanding cards symbols as well as card readings in Asheville.

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